
8 Economuseums to Discover in Charlevoix

  • Sectors
    Baie-Saint-Paul, Crater and Tides sector,
    Isle-aux-Coudres, La Malbaie, Mountain Sector
  • Distance 116 km
  • Transportation Car, Boat

Discovering the region’s economuseums is all about meeting local craftspeople with unique expertise in the organic food sector and in artisanal trades. They passionately share the knowledge that has often been handed down from generation to generation to help visitors understand the history and traditions behind their exceptional products. Here’s a three-day itinerary to set you on a path to discovering what this region has to offer.

Discover 8 Economuseums in Charlevoix

  • Day 1

    • Fine Honey Spirits Economuseum

      Day 1

      Fine Honey Spirits Economuseum

      In downtown Baie-Saint-Paul, hidden behind a few shops on Rue Saint-Jean-Baptiste, you’ll find Hydromel Charlevoix. These innovative, environmentally conscious artisans have taken up the challenge of creating spirits that are “100% terroir of Charlevoix.” Using beehives placed at different locations in the region, the products are made with unique honeys that at times taste of the mountains and at other times of wildflowers. A visit to the fine honey spirits economuseum will teach you about the hard work of bees and offer the chance to taste extraordinary honey spirits (gin, vodka, brandy, absinthe and more) and wines.

      Car (4 km)
    • Cheese Economuseum

      Cheese Economuseum

      Cheese lovers are in for a treat in Baie-Saint-Paul, one of the region’s most popular places! For four generations, Laiterie Charlevoix has been the Labbé family’s passion. Initially devoted to the dairy product trade, the company has evolved with the times to become a trendsetter in the production of fine cheeses and cheddars. On site, you’ll have the chance to visit the unique facilities, see an impressive collection of objects related to the history of milk and finish your visit with a delicious tasting of various cheeses. And don’t forget to visit the shop, which is a veritable haven of local Charlevoix products!

      Make sure to stop by the shop to grab some local Charlevoix goodies!

      Car (10 km)
    • Oil-Making Economuseum

      Oil-Making Economuseum

      Your journey continues towards the mountains, in the direction of Saint-Urbain, to meet Raymonde Tremblay at the Centre de l’Émeu de Charlevoix. This emu farm is the largest in Canada, with over 400 animals raised in a healthy environment. In an enchanting setting, surrounded by towering mountains, you can explore on your own or take a guided tour to meet emus of all ages, learn more about the company’s history and discover its well known body care and gourmet products.

      Car (37 km)
  • Day 2

    • Saffron Economuseum

      Day 2

      Saffron Economuseum

      On Route 138, in the small town of Clermont, there’s a company that grows red gold, a.k.a. saffron. It was in 2016 that Geneviève Tremblay and Renald Lepage decided to start farming this amazing and valuable spice. With a magnificent view of the peaks of the Hautes-Gorges-de-la-Rivière-Malbaie provincial park, you can visit the facilities and learn more about this renowned spice and taste unique processed products.

      Car (22 km)
    • Cookie Factory Economuseum

      Cookie Factory Economuseum

      In Saint-Irénée, on the St. Lawrence Route, you’ll find the Chez Léon et Lily cookie factory economuseum. A father-daughter business where the comforting smell of cookies makes you want to try every kind of sweet! While you’re there, you’ll have the chance to learn more about the history of cookies around the world and even indulge in a variety of Breton-inspired cookies.

      Car (19 km)
    • Paper Economuseum

      Paper Economuseum

      Join us in Saint-Joseph-de-la-Rive for a tour of the Papeterie Saint-Gilles, founded in 1965 by Monsignor Félix-Antoine Savard. This unique paper mill produces cotton-based paper using a traditional environmentally friendly method that doesn’t involve cutting down any trees for its production. In the workshop, you can watch the artisans at work, see them add hand-picked local flower petals into the paper pulp and learn more about this timeless skill. A stop at the shop is a must for unbeatable finds and unique gifts.

      Boat (14 km)
  • Day 3

    • Flour Mill Economuseum

      Day 3

      Flour Mill Economuseum

      Les Moulins de l’Isle-aux-Coudres offers a fascinating experience that transports visitors back to a time when famine was part of everyday life. To help the island’s citizens, a water mill and later a wind mill were built in 1825 and 1836. Still in operation today, visitors have the chance to discover how wheat, rye and buckwheat flour were produced, thanks to the genuine millstones of the time.

      Feel free to chat at length with the millers, who will share their most original Isle-aux-Coudres stories and traditions.

      Car (9,1 km)
    • Cider Economuseum

      Cider Economuseum

      The Cidrerie et Vergers Pedneault is the final stop on the Charlevoix economuseum tour. This multi-generational family business is delighted to offer a unique experience to all food lovers. They can take a guided tour of the facilities and finish with a tasting of various fruit-based products, such as pear butter, ice mistelle, plum cider and much more.